Friday, July 2, 2010

Rainy Friday

It has been such a LONG rainy week and it is going to be a rainy weekend too. It has SO hard to keep Colin indoors every day this week. He really really misses the time that we spend outside, playing at the park, running around in the front yard, or swimming in his pool. We both need him to have that time to burn off his extra energy. Because he has been missing out on some good running around time, he has been super fussy at night, barely makes it through dinner, before going angrily to bed. I hate to say it, but I am ready for a little sunshine for my boy. (Not cause I like the hot sunny weather, cause boy, I don't.)

One thing that has kind of been cool this week though is that Colin is really starting to show off his knowledge and independence. He knows that to go out the front door, he needs to turn off the alarm, so he gets Keith to hold him up to it, showing Keith clearly that he wants to go outside. When we have gone outside, he knows he can only go so far in the front yard before getting in trouble, so he goes that far, then turns around, runs back to Keith or I and grabs our hands, pulling us in the direction that he wants to go. And believe me, that kid is strong. He really pulls!! Not only that,  but he pulls in the direction of the park - he knows which way to go! It is neat seeing him go from this completely dependent baby that needed me for everything to an actual person with thoughts, ideas, and desires.

The downside of this is that this week has been a trial with eating times. He does breakfast fine because he likes cereal and fruit and yogurt. Anything breakfasty - he'll eat it. But, we are trying to transition him to regular food instead of baby food before I go on my trip this summer and he has been SUCH A PAIN this week! He used to like eating things like peas and carrots if they were cooked and soft enough, now he just spits them out. He won't eat any kind of pasta anymore either, even mac&cheese, which he has always loved! Plus, anything he doesn't want, he has been tossing over the side of the high chair. I got so angry and frustrated one night, after telling him not to throw things about 20 times, that I spanked his hand. He cried and cried, BUT, he hasn't thrown anything off since. Hum...

I am still in a conundrum though...what do people feed toddlers?? When can I stop buying baby food? Why will he eat sometimes and not others?? Advice??

Ok, I am going to go finish making my peanut blossom cookies now so that I can send a nice big box to my friend Shannon!

P.S. I really want (besides a new job, which, as a reminder, if you all wouldn't mind praying about it, I have an interview on July 6th for Swift Creek. That'd be great!) is a new house with an actual yard that can be fenced in that Colin can play in. Also, some more room for, feel free to pray about that too! :)


  1. You've probably seen this website but I just found it and it seems good:

    Can't wait for the cookies!!!

  2. Hey, thanks for journaling about Colin's emergent independence - it will be nice to look back and see all the little things that went on in his childhood that will make up his personality and such. That way we can prove to him that he was always stubborn and whiny and nothing we did!

  3. Thanks Shannon! I checked it out and it is a really good website with great ideas. Colin definitely likes eating anything he can pick up with his hands and EVERYTHING on mommy and daddy's plates.
