Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stay At Home

Have I told you how much I love being a stay-at-home mommy? No? Well, I LOVE IT!! I feel more fulfilled playing with my son, teaching him things, and watching him discover and explore than I think I ever have or will professionally. Kindof stinks when I have to have a job. At least with teaching, I get summers off and have almost 3 whole months to spend with my boy!

Today, since we finally get to stay home all day, without having to run any errands or anything, I decided it would be a good day to get the pool and sprinkler out and play outside. Colin cried and cried when I went outside to put the pool out and get the water running. Then he cried some more when I had to sunscreen him all over and put on his swim gear. You'd think I was the meanest mommy in the world!

He LOVES being outside. We got a new pool that is a little bit bigger, so now I can go in with Colin. He really likes me being in water with him. He also loves the sprinkler because he can run all over the yard but still get wet when he gets hot. The boy loves running. He would rather run around than get on the swing or go down slides. It pretty cute.

He is knocked out now from the excitement from the pool and is sleeping in his crib now. Its nice to have the quiet time and I think I am going to try out my new sewing cabinet that Keith got for me and put together last night. It is a pretty cabinet, holds my machine, and then folds away, so it doesn't take up the whole room. We are working on redoing the guest room to be a sewing/craft/playroom. I think it will be neat. I will post some pictures when its done.

I hope everyone else is having as good a day as I am!


  1. Hey Heather, I know you aren't asking for suggestions, so I hope this isn't annoying, but if you are serious about wanting to stay home, have you considered working for a tutoring center? With NCLB everybody is trying to pass tests, and you can work in a tutoring center in the evenings instead of during the day, or just for part of the day. You could also look at tutoring from home -- I wouldn't be surprised if you could get a lot of clients working on AP, SAT, GED, GRE, FCAT, etc. In fact, I get calls pretty frequently from people looking for tutors, which I don't do, but they always want to find someone who can teach their kids.

    Like I said, maybe you have already looked into all this, it just popped in my head and I thought I'd mention it. Cheers! (and I'm glad you're having fun with your babe at home!)

  2. Heather, thanks for my breakfast and lunch..of cookies!!! They are DIVINE! Very soft and they are quite fresh. Thank you so much!
