Thursday, July 29, 2010

Short Post!

This will just be a quick little update to let you know where I've been! I went to Montana for my grandfather, J. Milton Small's, memorial service and to spend some time visiting my cousins. I was there for 8 days, and will actually do a longer blog about it later when I get my pictures on my computer. I've gotta tell you, after being gone for a little over a week, I was VERY excited to get home last night! A week was a very long time for me to be a single parent. I am SO glad that I have been blessed with such an awesome husband who helps me so much with Colin. I don't know how single moms do it. Big props for them. It really is a HUGE job to do alone.

Let me just let everyone out there know that flying with a 16 month old is something I hope I don't ever have to do again for a LONG time. Although Colin was pretty good, he is also so active that I have huge bruises on my legs from him trying to get up and down and move around on the plane. A little advice, 12+ hours in flight with a little one who can't sit still is TOO LONG.

When we got home last night, Keith met us at the airport with a balloon for Colin, which he loved! Then he had presents for us at home! Colin got two new outfits, an adorable red onesie with a robot on it and khaki shorts to match and an orange button-up shirt with matching overhauls! SO CUTE! I got a really pretty grey tank top with lace on the straps and a flowy blue shirt. They are both very pretty! What a good husband! We go on a trip and STILL get presents!

We got Chinese for dinner last night and then practically fell into bed. Colin slept until 12:30 pm today! I came in a close second for long sleepers, getting up at 11:30 am. Yay! Sooo good to be home!


  1. Welcome back home!!! Being a bachelor for a couple of days was a bit fun and gave me time to get some things done, but eight days was way too long to not have my wife and son with me at home.

  2. you guys are so precious. way to be totally sweet, Keith!

    and you made it, Heather! yay!! I bet that was super difficult on the flight and all week long.

    Ok and one more thing. Can I just tell you how terribly jealous I feel that Colin slept till 12:30. I have to fight Madeline to get her to sleep until 6..she really wants up at 5:30 but I wont have it. be thankful!!!!
