Monday, June 28, 2010

Cleaning Frustration

I put in a load of beach laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and moved some things around in the guest room. I also took two coats out of the hall closet to get rid of but the majority in there are Keith's and I didn't know if he wanted to get rid of any. I feel like I can NEVER make a dent in the cleaning and clutter at this house. I get SOO frustrated sometimes, I think I might scream.

Oh, and Colin knocked down the baby gate to the hallway and scratched my MLK poster that goes in my classroom. I moved those to the guest room. Then I punched a hole in the wall while I was trying to put back up the stupid gate. I finally got the gate back up, but put it too high and Colin crawled right under. I thought I'd cry, but instead I picked Colin up, put him in the play pen, and tried it again. I got it up, but don't know how stable it is.

Its not been the greatest day...and now Colin is making noise in his room. He was supposed to be down for a nap. Well, too bad. He is staying in there at least another 30 minutes.

Today I've been wondering about the connection between how I feel about my my house cleaning and and how how God feels about our lives. I was thinking that he probably gets pretty frustrated with continually working on and cleaning up our lives.  Maybe God thinks "Man, I just got that person cleaned up, and now I've got to get working in their lieves again." or "I just got rid of all that clutter, why do these people keep thinking they need all this stuff!!" I sure hope that God doesn't get as irritated as I do. I am very glad to know that I can trust God's faithfulness, that although my life might be super exasperating to Him, he still wants to take care of me.


  1. Good comparison, Heather. Does make you think.

  2. I tend to get annoyed with the cleaning and how I can never catch up to make it organized & not cluttered! Love how you compared how God may feel about us, especially when it the same clutter in our lives! Love U Sunshine! ;~) Taeya

  3. I'm feeling overwhelmed with cleaning too. The house is pretty messy, not the worst it's been, but I would be embarrassed to have an unexpected guest. It's time consuming and who wants to do that when we're EXHAUSTED taking care of our kids! Looking into our lives it seems easy to keep up with housework and one child, but my goodness it is absolutely not. Ahhh..I feel you. It's frustrating

  4. I know it's been tough with your back, Colin, the house, and a job search, but I've been really proud of you for hanging in there this Summer.

  5. Heather, what a great way of thinking about it. Also, thanks for sharing this -- sometimes I feel like I am the only one on earth who struggles so hard to keep things clean -- some people just seem to be born with a knowledge of how to keep it all together ;D You are definitely not alone in your frustration! Hope you got to enjoy a few low-stress moments in the day. :)

  6. That I've-never-considered-such-an-analogy insight is more encouraging to me than it sounds like for you.

    Thank you for such posting such a wonderful analogy.

    Ian Johns
