Monday, June 28, 2010

Cleaning Frustration

I put in a load of beach laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and moved some things around in the guest room. I also took two coats out of the hall closet to get rid of but the majority in there are Keith's and I didn't know if he wanted to get rid of any. I feel like I can NEVER make a dent in the cleaning and clutter at this house. I get SOO frustrated sometimes, I think I might scream.

Oh, and Colin knocked down the baby gate to the hallway and scratched my MLK poster that goes in my classroom. I moved those to the guest room. Then I punched a hole in the wall while I was trying to put back up the stupid gate. I finally got the gate back up, but put it too high and Colin crawled right under. I thought I'd cry, but instead I picked Colin up, put him in the play pen, and tried it again. I got it up, but don't know how stable it is.

Its not been the greatest day...and now Colin is making noise in his room. He was supposed to be down for a nap. Well, too bad. He is staying in there at least another 30 minutes.

Today I've been wondering about the connection between how I feel about my my house cleaning and and how how God feels about our lives. I was thinking that he probably gets pretty frustrated with continually working on and cleaning up our lives.  Maybe God thinks "Man, I just got that person cleaned up, and now I've got to get working in their lieves again." or "I just got rid of all that clutter, why do these people keep thinking they need all this stuff!!" I sure hope that God doesn't get as irritated as I do. I am very glad to know that I can trust God's faithfulness, that although my life might be super exasperating to Him, he still wants to take care of me.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Park Pictures, etc.

I gotta tell you, I really enjoy being a stay-at-home mommy.  Not, that I don't enjoy the challenges of teaching, I do, but I have enjoying my summer home with my boy. I wish I could do it all the time. We've been having lots of fun, going to the park, swimming in the neighborhood pool and the baby pool in our front yard, playing with toys in the house, meeting my sisters & babies for lunch, etc., etc. Nothing really, in particular, going on, just having a good day today.

Here are a few pictures of our trip to the park at the end of the street.

I love the way his skinny little legs look in the swings. He LOVES swinging, especially when he gets to look at the trees overhead.

Here are a couple pictures of Colin getting some chocolate pudding from Daddy. I could hardly get him to look away from the cup and spoon!

These last are a few from Father's Day.  We went to church in the morning, then Colin and I took Daddy to lunch at Julie's place. From there, we headed to Grandma's, where Colin got to go swimming with his cousin Josiah, ate some raw corn on the cob, and then had dinner with the family.

OK, that was a bit of a picture overload, huh? Oh well! Enjoy! I am going to go make some zucchini bread now, well, if my child lets me. He is up early from his nap and is decidedly crabby and keeps BITING my legs. ERG.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chick-fil-a and Transitions

We went to Chick-fil-a tonight for facebook fan night where I got a free spicy chicken sandwich for being a fan. It was pretty awesome to get a sandwich for free and we also tried something else new tonight. We decided to see if Colin would eat a whole "real food" meal - no baby food at all. It was scary not to bring anything and to go ahead and order him the kids meal of nuggets, a fruit cup, and chocolate milk, but he did GREAT!! He ate all 4 nuggets and about 1/4 of the fruit cup. He also drank the WHOLE chocolate milk.

I was amazed and very pleased. I really wanted to transition him from baby food before I took him on vacation this summer because I just thought it would be so much easier to travel if I didn't have to bring all that with me and if we could just share food. While we were eating, the Chick-fil-a cow came by the tables to say hi to the kids. Colin was enthralled with him at first, but when he got close, he was scared and was clutching onto me! It was so funny.

We also decided to try and transition Colin completely off the bottle. He was only taking a bottle in the morning and at night, but we really want to move him away from even those two. SO, Keith is trying to put him down now. I hear a lot of giggling, but not a lot of sleeping... I think that this might be a tough battle.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blueberry Muffins and Pool Day!

I was walking though the grocery store and they had samples out of blueberries, so, of course, I had to try them and so did Colin. They were so sweet and plump, that I couldn't resist. I NEEDED to buy them. Colin and I ate blueberries for breakfast, blueberries for snack, and blueberries for dessert. That is, until I discovered that Colin was allergic to blueberries. I think I already told you that he got a huge rash all over his face and in his diaper area. I was so sad. Needless to say, needed to find a yummy recipe to use the blueberries in because, now, I was the only one that was going to eat all these things.

So, I searched for a recipe for muffins, and adapted this recipe from Emeril Lagasse's on


  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon peel


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • 3/4 cup coconut


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line two standard 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners.
To make the topping, in a medium bowl, mix together the topping ingredients until crumbly. Set aside.
In a bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the melted butter. Mix the milk and vinegar in a small bowl and let sit for about 5 minutes. Add the milk and vinegar mixture and lemon zest and whisk to combine. Add the dry ingredients to the wet and stir just to combine. (Batter will still be somewhat lumpy; do not overmix.) Gently fold in the blueberries and coconut so the berries do not break open and pour into the prepared muffin tin. Crumble the streusel topping over the muffins and bake until golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, about 20 minutes.
Let cool in the tins for 10 minutes, then remove and cool on wire racks
Makes between 18-24 muffins.

They were really good. Here are a few pictures of my finished muffins.

This afternoon, my friend Rebecca and her daughter Kimberly came over. Colin was so excited. I think that he really misses being around the kids from school. He and Kimberly were playing and laughing almost before Rebecca and Kimberly got in the door. We took the kids to the pool and got to use Colin's new wagon in the process. Well, I guess the wagon wasn't that new, he got it for his first birthday, but I just got around to putting it together. Here are a few pictures of the little ones in the wagon.

It was really fun and the kiddos really loved the pool and swimming!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Working Out and Cake

Well, those are two things that definitely do not go together! But, let me explain. Yesterday, I started up working out again. I got up earlyish, for summer anyway, I guess it was about 9 am, and put on my workout clothes. Boy, that was not a pretty sight. Then I got Colin up and fed him breakfast, put him in the stroller, and headed to the workout room in our neighborhood. Man, was it HOT already. It was a scorcher and it was only 9:30 am. I thought that it was going to be good if I just made it up the stupid hill pushing Colin, that just that would be a pretty successful workout for me and, man, was I sweating and puffing by the time I got to the top. Awful. I was glad there seem to be no one else up or around then. It was embarrassing.

However, I was determined to actually make it inside the gym, so instead of stopping at the top of the hill, I walked or huffed a few feet further to relief (or otherwise referred to as AC). It was nice and cool in the little room and, to my surprise, I was pleased to see there was a child area that was actually supplied with toys. I got Colin settled and started on the treadmill. Colin didn't like the kid's area though. The light switch was down low and he kept turning it off and then whining and he didn't like that he couldn't see me very well. SO, I ended up putting him back in his stroller and he just sat and watched me walk on the treadmill. I walked for 15 minutes and a mile and a half. I felt that was pretty successful for my first morning back at it.

Then, I headed home and got to work on a cake for Ashley, Duncan's girlfriend. It was her 21st birthday and I made her a super yummy ginger spice cake with lime curd filling and lime buttercream icing. It was a triple layer cake and I decided to try out my 6 inch round cake pans. The cake turned out really well and came out of the pans perfectly. The icing, on the other hand, was a bear. It was an Italian buttercream where you made meringue, then added a hot syrup to the meringue, beat it till it was cool and then added loads of butter. I messed it up twice before, with Duncan's help, I got it to work. It still wasn't shiny and smooth as I would have liked it, but it worked and I was glad because I used about 24 eggs trying to get it done. The cake turned out really pretty and Ashley really liked it. I am going to have to get some pictures from Ashley because I forgot to take any.  You'd also be happy to know that I only had two bites of the cake also. I was a good girl.

Those were the highlights of my yesterday. Other than that, the day seemed to really suck. I feel like things have been really discouraging lately. I'm in a funk and I don't know why and I'd really like to see God do some moving.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Teacher Interview Day...Again

Well, I updated my resume and cover letter and got them printed, stapled and in cute folders. I updated my website also. If you want to check that out, here is the link: My Online Portfolio
Mostly, I just added some student samples and stuff to my Catcher in the Rye Page, but you have no idea how long that stuff takes. Ugh. It better be worth it. I am not too worried about the actual interviews but I'm not quite sure what I'll do if I don't get a job.

School ended on June 8th - its June 10th now and they have already disabled my work email and taken my picture down from the Lincoln website. Its as if I never existed. Hum. They didn't take down my class website yet though. If you want to check it out, here's the link: Heather's Class Pages
Isn't that funny!

I am tired now. I had a long day with Colin. He was good but he wanted me to play with him all day and would cry if I left the room to stick laundry in or anything. I also couldn't get on my computer because he would want to come over and press a million buttons and would get mad and cry when I wouldn't let him. I like playing with him though, especially when he gets books out to read. I love reading with him and doing voices and animal sounds, making him laugh, and seeing him turn the pages. I really love it.

Oh, by the way, Colin has a terrible rash on his cheeks. It was on his forehead and nose this morning too, but that cleared up pretty quickly after I put some A & D Ointment on it. He is either allergic to the sunscreen I put on his face yesterday or the blueberries we ate at dinner. I'm not sure which, so we eliminated both today and didn't get to go outside. Darn, had to stay in the air conditioning instead of getting out in the 180 degree furnace that some call Florida. Break my heart. I am much more of a stay-in-side type of girl anyway.

OK, I'm tired~goodnight!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Swimming Pictures

Ok, as promised, here are some pictures of Colin in his pool. We had a great time outside yesterday playing in the water. I am working on putting his wagon together so that we can go for a walk in the heat and get all sweaty so that we'll be ready for the pool again this afternoon. Did I mention that Colin slept until 10:30 am today? Summer is awesome!

Oh, and here are a couple of Arianna with her new headbands!


And here is one of Eli with a funny face:

Ok, off to change a stinky diaper!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Vacation

Today was my last day at work and it was, actually, pretty sad. Well, it wasn't until I went to the office to turn in my keys and they wanted my ID badge too. They've never wanted that from me in the past. It really made me feel like I was fired and never coming back. So, I went home in a funk. I hate feeling that way.

I am so glad, however, that today is the first day of my summer vacation. I have SO many things planned that I want to do and get done. I have a HUGE to-do list and it is a bit overwhelming. Much of it deals with cleaning and decluttering my house. I feel like it looks so bad right now (most people who see it disagree with me) but for my standards, it is a wreck and makes me not want to stay home. I really want to get things done, but I think I am going to put that all aside for today and blow up Colin's baby pool and take him outside to play instead. I'll post some pictures later.

Oh, I did mark one thing off my list already though! I made some cute-as-ever headbands for my niece, Arianna. I can't wait to see them on her, but until then, here is a picture of the headbands without the baby.

Another thing, I got a new cookbook called Sky High. It is for tripple layer cakes! I can't WAIT to try one of the recipes. They all look SO good. I am going to make one for my brother's girfriend, Ashley's birthday on Monday. I'll post pictures of that too!

Ok, the boy woke up! I'll write more later!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Birthday Weekend and Back Pain

I am sorry that I have not blogged much in the past few days. It has been quite crazy around here lately. As of last Wednesday and Friday, I have a new nephew and niece! Elijah Asher Jobe and Arianna Naomi Hernandez were finally born and I spent much of the weekend running up to the hospital to see babies and mommies. And, although they stole time away from MY birth month, I guess I will forgive them because they are so darn cute. Just don't expect me to give up my day. I am selfish, I know, but I don't care. I like having a day that is all about me.

Here are pictures of the babies:



And here is a picture of me holding Arianna:

When I wasn't traveling to and from the hospital, I was celebrating my birthday and visiting with old friends. Friday night, I had dinner at the mall and got to walk a round a bit. I haven't done that in a while. Saturday, I had lunch with my high school friends, Montse, her husband,  Justin, and their son, Xavier, and Kari. We went to Cabos and it was really yummy. It was nice to see my friends again, it had been almost two years. Here is a picture of the three of us and the babies:

Then, Saturday night,  I went to dinner at Friday's with Keith and our friends Rebecca and Mike. It was very nice and surprisingly quiet for a Saturday night. I had a really fun Pink Punk Martini, which was basically a cosmo poured over cotton candy! Sweetness profound!

Sunday night, my family (including my two sisters and the new babies but minus my sick son and sweet husband) took me out for dessert at Macaroni Grill. Boy, do I love that place! Plus, my mom made me chocolate cheesecake. Here's a picture:

And here is one of Duncan and I (for good measure):

On Monday, somehow I injured my back again. I was getting dishes out of the dishwasher and then, all of a sudden, I couldn't stand up straight. I called the surgeon and have an appointment on July 15th. Despite my back re-injury and because I am just fabulous, I was able to embellish two onesies for my new niece and nephew and make a new sling for myself! Wow, I am amazing. Did I mention that I also made chocolate chip cookies?? Oh yeah!!

Here is a picture of the cutie onesies:

It is now the Thursday before school gets out. My classroom is empty and my garage is full. I am spending lots of time looking for and applying for jobs. I am happy that it is going to be summer but I am also sad and worried about next year's prospects. Oh well, here's to the end of school!