Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chick-fil-a and Transitions

We went to Chick-fil-a tonight for facebook fan night where I got a free spicy chicken sandwich for being a fan. It was pretty awesome to get a sandwich for free and we also tried something else new tonight. We decided to see if Colin would eat a whole "real food" meal - no baby food at all. It was scary not to bring anything and to go ahead and order him the kids meal of nuggets, a fruit cup, and chocolate milk, but he did GREAT!! He ate all 4 nuggets and about 1/4 of the fruit cup. He also drank the WHOLE chocolate milk.

I was amazed and very pleased. I really wanted to transition him from baby food before I took him on vacation this summer because I just thought it would be so much easier to travel if I didn't have to bring all that with me and if we could just share food. While we were eating, the Chick-fil-a cow came by the tables to say hi to the kids. Colin was enthralled with him at first, but when he got close, he was scared and was clutching onto me! It was so funny.

We also decided to try and transition Colin completely off the bottle. He was only taking a bottle in the morning and at night, but we really want to move him away from even those two. SO, Keith is trying to put him down now. I hear a lot of giggling, but not a lot of sleeping... I think that this might be a tough battle.


  1. I know you need to take him off the bottle, but I just love holding and rocking him while I give him the bottle before bed. It is hard to let my little grandson grow up! But, congrats on the milestones. You are such a great Mommy!

  2. I remember when C stopped his bottle; Ben and I decided to do it when things were already a little topsy-turvy -- we went on a trip to visit great-granny and we just didn't take any bottles with us, only cups. It's like he didn't even notice, with all the other hubbub.

    Good luck with the transition! I bet it will go just fine. :)
