Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Working Out and Cake

Well, those are two things that definitely do not go together! But, let me explain. Yesterday, I started up working out again. I got up earlyish, for summer anyway, I guess it was about 9 am, and put on my workout clothes. Boy, that was not a pretty sight. Then I got Colin up and fed him breakfast, put him in the stroller, and headed to the workout room in our neighborhood. Man, was it HOT already. It was a scorcher and it was only 9:30 am. I thought that it was going to be good if I just made it up the stupid hill pushing Colin, that just that would be a pretty successful workout for me and, man, was I sweating and puffing by the time I got to the top. Awful. I was glad there seem to be no one else up or around then. It was embarrassing.

However, I was determined to actually make it inside the gym, so instead of stopping at the top of the hill, I walked or huffed a few feet further to relief (or otherwise referred to as AC). It was nice and cool in the little room and, to my surprise, I was pleased to see there was a child area that was actually supplied with toys. I got Colin settled and started on the treadmill. Colin didn't like the kid's area though. The light switch was down low and he kept turning it off and then whining and he didn't like that he couldn't see me very well. SO, I ended up putting him back in his stroller and he just sat and watched me walk on the treadmill. I walked for 15 minutes and a mile and a half. I felt that was pretty successful for my first morning back at it.

Then, I headed home and got to work on a cake for Ashley, Duncan's girlfriend. It was her 21st birthday and I made her a super yummy ginger spice cake with lime curd filling and lime buttercream icing. It was a triple layer cake and I decided to try out my 6 inch round cake pans. The cake turned out really well and came out of the pans perfectly. The icing, on the other hand, was a bear. It was an Italian buttercream where you made meringue, then added a hot syrup to the meringue, beat it till it was cool and then added loads of butter. I messed it up twice before, with Duncan's help, I got it to work. It still wasn't shiny and smooth as I would have liked it, but it worked and I was glad because I used about 24 eggs trying to get it done. The cake turned out really pretty and Ashley really liked it. I am going to have to get some pictures from Ashley because I forgot to take any.  You'd also be happy to know that I only had two bites of the cake also. I was a good girl.

Those were the highlights of my yesterday. Other than that, the day seemed to really suck. I feel like things have been really discouraging lately. I'm in a funk and I don't know why and I'd really like to see God do some moving.


  1. Glad you got in a work out!! Wish I could have been there with ya. It's so unmotivating to work out alone.
    The cake sounds amazing and you just gave me a huge sweet tooth (but no sweets in the house..gee thanks, Heather!)
    I hate funks when it seems God isn't moving. It's so depressing. But it's okay..just keep spending time with Him and in His word. I'm sure He'll appreciate and bless you for it.

  2. Heather, I know what you mean. I think you and I are at the same level of working out... I have just started back with the most basic strength training... I wish there were more to encourage me at this point in the process, you know?

    As far as the discouragement goes, I have been there too and as crazy as it sounds, I think the heat makes it worse. I am sure that there is something good waiting for you just over the next hill! Hang in there. Jeremiah 29:11


  3. I've never thought of working out and cake as mutually exclusive.

    Debbie has tried that Italian buttercream also. I love buttercream!

  4. Yeah, Cake or Death - now THEY'RE exclusive...

    "So, which will it be? Cake or death?"

    “Uh, cake for me, too, please."

    "Very well! Give him cake, too! We're gonna run out of cake at this rate."

  5. Keith- what was that from?
