Thursday, June 10, 2010

Teacher Interview Day...Again

Well, I updated my resume and cover letter and got them printed, stapled and in cute folders. I updated my website also. If you want to check that out, here is the link: My Online Portfolio
Mostly, I just added some student samples and stuff to my Catcher in the Rye Page, but you have no idea how long that stuff takes. Ugh. It better be worth it. I am not too worried about the actual interviews but I'm not quite sure what I'll do if I don't get a job.

School ended on June 8th - its June 10th now and they have already disabled my work email and taken my picture down from the Lincoln website. Its as if I never existed. Hum. They didn't take down my class website yet though. If you want to check it out, here's the link: Heather's Class Pages
Isn't that funny!

I am tired now. I had a long day with Colin. He was good but he wanted me to play with him all day and would cry if I left the room to stick laundry in or anything. I also couldn't get on my computer because he would want to come over and press a million buttons and would get mad and cry when I wouldn't let him. I like playing with him though, especially when he gets books out to read. I love reading with him and doing voices and animal sounds, making him laugh, and seeing him turn the pages. I really love it.

Oh, by the way, Colin has a terrible rash on his cheeks. It was on his forehead and nose this morning too, but that cleared up pretty quickly after I put some A & D Ointment on it. He is either allergic to the sunscreen I put on his face yesterday or the blueberries we ate at dinner. I'm not sure which, so we eliminated both today and didn't get to go outside. Darn, had to stay in the air conditioning instead of getting out in the 180 degree furnace that some call Florida. Break my heart. I am much more of a stay-in-side type of girl anyway.

OK, I'm tired~goodnight!


  1. It would be the stupidest thing ever if a school didn't hire you - you are a great teacher. (And I might add that you're an even better Mommy!)
