Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day Back

I know a lot of teachers and students had their first day back at school yesterday, and so did I! Although this year, it was not as a teacher. To my dismay, I did not get rehired this summer. However, I am taking a couple of classes at TCC, so started back as a student yesterday. Because I did not get a teaching job (at least, as of yet), I get to spend my days at home with my super cute little boy. We get to play, make messes, run around, go to the pool and park, and just enjoy each other! How fun, right?

Then, on Monday and Wednesday nights, I drop Colin at my mom's work, she takes him and goes to pick up Keith and zoom them home, while I rush across town to sit in classes from 5:30-9:45pm. "What am I taking?" you ask. Well, let's see, I am taking Anatomy an Physiology II and the Lab and Human Development. They are the last two classes I needed as prerequisites to the nursing program. I figured if I couldn't get a job in teaching, and I need to have a job, then it is time to change careers.

I am rather nervous about all of it, taking classes again, finances, etc, but am really happy to stay home with Colin. I love not having to put him in daycare (although I really was happy with him at Trojan Tots while I was there). I am sad not to be teaching anymore (and would jump at a chance for a good job), but nursing was my second choice of professions, so am excited about those possibilities too. I just hope I am making good choices.

Ok, my boy is up, so I guess I better go get him up and give him some breakfast! :)


  1. Heather, I am sorry that you never got a teaching job, after all the work you put in, it would be very disheartening. This is just not a good time for teachers. But I am glad that you have found a way to see the situation more positively. Taking classes sounds like a perfect solution - helps you feel like you are moving forward and gives you some adult time! I would have a hard time thinking so positively, so good for you!

  2. I think it's great you're taking classes! You get to be a college kid again, though I know this time is harder cause you are a wife and a mommy. You can do it!

  3. If you have any questions about nursing school just let me know, I'd be happy to help!
