Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Anniversary Weekend

Keith and I just celebrated our 10 year anniversary! I can't believe it has been that long. The time has flown by and we have had so much fun. To celebrate this anniversary, we took a trip to Orlando to visit Islands of Adventure and Sea World. It was super duper hot but also really fun. We had a fabulous time exploring Wizarding World and Keith even got his own wand! We got Colin an owl so that when he gets a little older and its his turn to go to Hogwarts, he can be sure to keep in touch with his mommy and daddy. Here are some pictures from Islands of Adventure:

First View of Hogwarts Castle


Yay! Butterbeer!

First Sip


Pasties for lunch at the Three Broomsticks

Sorting Hat!

The next day, we went to Sea World. It had been a very long time since I had been, so I was really excited. We rode both roller coasters and, let me tell you, the Manta was COOL. You get in it like a normal roller coaster but as you are about to take off, it flips you so you are hanging face down. You ride the whole roller coaster suspended from the rails, facing the ground (or the sky if you flip), and it feels like you are flying. Quite an interesting experience.

But, what I really loved, was the Shamu show. It was so fun and the whales were amazing. I would love to work with them. What a cool job. Here are some pictures from the Sea World portion of the trip.

Whew, what a fun, whirl-wind, anniversary vacay!

In other news, no good news on the the job front, or maybe I should say no other news at all. Just going to concentrate on enjoying spending time with my boys.

1 comment:

  1. Really good times! I'll have to learn to use my wand. I think the first thing I'll learn is how to transmogrify water into Butterbeer!
