Monday, May 24, 2010

Last Instructional Week of School

I had a busy day today. It happened to be my last Monday of the school year, which, coincidentally, was also my last day of lunch duty! Hurray! So, here are the things I've done today: woke up at 6 am and got myself and Colin ready for school. Then I taught 5 classes (if you count showing a movie as teaching), served my aforementioned lunch duty, and picked up Colin from Trojan Tots. Keith picked us up and we took Keith back to work and then I dropped Colin off at Aunt Erin's (where I also got to check out her cute nursery and try her homemade wheat bread).

From there, I headed to a doctor's appointment (don't worry, all is well!), rushed to convocation where I lined up students, fixed graduation caps, straightened tassels, collected gum, and directed them into the auditorium, and then finally got to come home. At home, I cleaned the kitchen, made lunches for tomorrow, and spent some time job searching. I wanted to make some cookies, but didn't realize that we were low on flour. Boohoo.

I am finally, just now, sitting on the couch, feeling a bit bummed about job prospects and dreaming about summer. It is so close I can taste it. Please pray for me about the job stuff. I am feeling a little nervous about being able to find something and I feel like I want a change, but I really need some leading...


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  2. I really feel like the Lord wants you to relax, breathe and spend a lot of time with him this Summer (and maybe get some quality time with your boys!) So, needing some leading is great when you look to the right leader...
