Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Little Monkey

Today, Colin and I went to visit Nanny at Walmart and scored some marked-down baby food! Yay, Nanny! Then we drove over to see Grandma at work too. We took Colin out on the grass outside FDLE, where it is all nice and soft, and Colin got to walk around for the first time barefoot in grass. It was so funny to see him lifting up his feet, not wanting his toes to touch it because it felt so funny! He got comfortable pretty quickly though and had his Grandma walking him all over the grassy area. I really think we are going to need to get a fence out back soon because this boy LOVES playing outside. Some kids point to the TV to entertain them or to toys, but never Colin, he always points to the door. I love that.

Colin also LOVES bananas. I am attaching some pictures of Colin eating a banana for breakfast. He was making his monkey face while chowing down and I thought he looked so funny! Ha. Enjoy!


  1. These pictures are a hoot! What a funny boy! I love the bib!

  2. Don't want to be a blog Nazi, but wanted to make sure that since this will become an official written-down memory - Colin walked barefoot in grass for the first time on Father's Day of 2009 at Lake Ella. (And he did the very same thing about not wanting to put his feet down!) :o)
