Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rocking my baby

Yesterday and most of last night, I had two songs running through my head. One was "Lord Move, or Move Me" by FFH, and the other was "Nearer My God to Thee," an old hymn. I am still having such a struggle with contentment. I have a strong desire for change, sometimes in career, but mostly in location. I pray about it all the time, especially in reference moving and to Keith's job, that the Lord would open up some opportunity for him to work in ministry, but it seems like it is a pretty shut door at the moment. So I have been praying so much this week for God to draw near to me and to change my desires if they don't align with His.

Keith read a verse to me the other day. It was Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men," and he said that its possible that we have been looking at things the wrong way. He suggested that our desire to do "the Lord's work" and to be working in ministry somewhere, could actually be working for ourselves, our benefit, looking at our desires, instead of actually working for the Lord. It was a hard thing to hear, suggesting that I should look at the job and place I am at now as the place that God has put me to work at with all my heart and that He put me here, instead of at a ministry job, in order to please Him and accomplish His purpose. I suppose I really need an attitude check. Anyway, its hard.

So, last night, I rocked Colin to sleep. (Yes, I know, he is one year old and should be able to go down easily without being rocked, but I just enjoy it and there will be time for him to grow up and be a big boy later.) It is one of my favorite times to spend with him. He is usually calm and snuggly, and he is by no means a snuggly boy. I get to hold him, cuddle him, usually sing to him, and watch him fall asleep. I was doing this when suddenly it occured to me that this is a time I should also use to pray over him. I pray for him at other times, along with many other thinsg, but I thought this would be a perfect time to focus just on my little boy. So, I sang him some hymns (which I miss terribly) and prayed for him and his relationship with Jesus and his future life. It was a really sweet and special time with my son. I think every child needs time to be rocked and loved on by their parents. :)


  1. Heather, I love this. I remember a wake up call like this, when I realized that I might not have a "holy" sort of vocation (like going into ministry, being a nun, etc.), but that being a wife and mother is my own sort of ministry that I have been assigned to. It definitely changed the way things looked to me. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  2. I don't know why I didn't know that you were still blogging, but I'm so glad you posted the link on FB and enjoyed reading this blog.

  3. I lay down with Sara Beth every night before bed, and while she is falling asleep I pray over her. And now I am starting to pray for Sydney while nursing her. It is such a special time!
    And definitely don't feel bad about still rocking Colin to sleep...you are right, they will be too big soon enough. :)

  4. Amen! I love you Sunshine! My favorite time with Brooke is prayer time, especially bedtime prayers!
