Tuesday, September 14, 2010


OK! ENOUGH FOR THIS WEEK!!! As everyone knows (or maybe you don't...) I had back surgery last Thursday. The recovery is actually going really well and I haven't had much pain. I had a few blissful days right afterward when my mom and Keith's mom kept Colin for the weekend. Let me just say, SO nice. Such a help. I love my son, but sometimes...to the moon (*imagine fist pumping action*).

THEN, Saturday night, it started to get crazy. First of all, my left eye was hurting, like I had gotten something in it. I washed it out, put some eye drops in, and thought that took care of the problem. I woke up on Sunday morning with a beet-red bloodshot eye ball. Ok, I thought, I must not have gotten whatever out of my eye. By Monday morning, it was no better, in fact, now I had a little blister, that's right a BLISTER, on my lower eyelid! It was time to go to the doctor. On top of back surgery, it turns out that I have an infection of my sclera (or the white part of your eye). This type of infection is most common in people who have immune disorders, so I have to put steroid drops in my eye for two weeks. If it clears up, yay. If not, I have to be tested for immune disorders.

Also on Monday, I got calls from two schools for interviews. One was for a full-time Language Arts position and the other was for a part-time Associate Teacher position. I thought to myself, things are lookin' up. Little did I know. I went to the interviews today and got a call back already from the full-time job. Nope, not wanted. The other job, the part-time one, sounds like a crappy deal. You don't get your own classroom. You may or may not be required to teach, create lesson plans, and grade (but you probably will). AND, you get paid less than HALF of the regular teacher, but get to share in her work. Hum. On top of that great prospect, I'd have to pay someone childcare costs to watch my son. I don't see how that could work out.

I know this is a blah, blah, poor me blog, but I just needed to vent. Oh, by the way, my son is being a real peach today. He has thrown two good tantrums today where he looks like he is going into an epileptic fit. Once because I wouldn't let him go outside until he put his hat on and the second because I wouldn't let him eat crayons or chapstick. I know. What a mean mom. I was so tired of his whining/screaming, I put him back in his crib. He isn't sleeping, but he isn't screaming anymore either. Maybe not the best tactic for dealing with him, but at least I didn't kill him, right?

Ok, I should add some upside for today. Let's see. Colin finally did put his hat on after a morning nap and got to have some outside time. I took some cute pictures that maybe I'll post tomorrow. I have had some good study time today since I keep putting Colin in his crib, so I am feeling a little better about my A&P II test tomorrow. My family is looking at a cabin in Helen, GA to stay at near Christmas-time, which should be fun. Um, I've read some really yummy looking recipes (even though I can't cook right now) that I want to try. I have ideas for making Christmas presents and want to start on them after my test tomorrow. Is that enough positive thoughts? Yeah, I thought so too.

Ok, one cute picture of my boy, cause I can't help myself.

Driving the car at Nanny's


  1. so cute! BTW, putting Colin in his crib is an EXCELLENT tactic...it isn't rewarding him for his tantrum behavior, AND it keeps you from hurting him : ) Nothing wrong with a little "independant time"

  2. Stinks ya gotta put up with the bad along with the good. HEY, I JUST NOTICED THAT CAR COLIN IS IN MUST BE A FREAKIN' TIME MACHINE! The date on that picture has 1/21/2008 - ooh, he's gonna be in so much trouble if he's gone back and messed up something in history...

  3. LOL - I laughed out loud at Keith's time machine comment! But, that is an adorable car picture - I didn't know Wanda had that. He is such a cutie pie. I hate that you have had such a tumultuous time lately. Just remember, after the rain, the rainbow. I love you. Keep looking up.

  4. DOUBLE RAINBOW please... all the way across the sky!

  5. I think the "crib dump"is totally ok. Especially since you got that A on your test. Love the pic! Fun little car. Need to get one for Elijah.
