Monday, October 25, 2010

Being Sick

Hey Guys!

I am blogging from home tonight, where I am camped out on the couch because (hence the title of my blog) I am sick! Boo! I haven't been this sick in a long time. I was alternately throwing up or going to the bathroom all night long last night. I have a fever and my skin aches. Even my hair hurts. Ugh. I totally hate being sick. I think the last time I was this sick, I had to call in to work and my boss did not believe that I was really sick. She had her husband call and verify that I was actually at home sick. Wow. That lady was crazy! Nevertheless, this sickness is keeping me home from class.

SO, I am trying desperately hard to use the time to study for my second anatomy and physiology II lab practical. I didn't do so hot on the first one (passed, but with a C) so would like to do much better on this test. I can't seem to focus in on the material though. It is SO much. It covers the Respiration, Digestive, and Urinary systems. I've been doing the online tutorials and I am so glad my lab group is meeting early on Wednesday to go over stuff together. I sure hope I can pull out at least a B.

This sickness is also keeping me from going over to my sweet brother's house where he is making pork tenderloin for dinner. Boy, am I sad to be missing that! It sounded so delicious when he was telling me what he wanted to do. I hope he saves me some! ;)

It is also keeping me from completing the sewing that I needed to get done for Halloween. I was supposed to cut out Keith's costume yesterday, but instead laid in bed all day yesterday, and then again this morning. MAN. Its really cramping my style!

Ok, I guess this is really just a complainy blog. I just needed get it all out there. Oh by the way, the medicine I am taking tastes TERRIBLE.

That is all!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, poor thing! I hope now that it's Friday, you are feeling better and reading for the fun, Halloween weekend. I'm praying for you and your test!!
